Considering my feelings about the gloriousness of both my iMac and iBook, it is a wonder I haven't put my feelings on...screen sooner. I have owned no less than 4 PCs in 8 years before inheriting my iBook from my generous father 2 years ago. I should also point out that this iBook is now 6 years old and still running like a champ. The only problem I have had in the 2 years of owning it is the battery has pretty much crapped out on me, but I am too cheap/lazy to buy a new one until I really need it. So I have to leave it plugged in if I'm using it for more than a couple of hours. On a computer that is 6 years old, I'd say that's to be expected. And let me repeat myself: this is the only problem I have had with it.
Each of my PCs crashed out on me multiple times; viruses galore would cause the internet to stop working, or windows I had open would mysteriously close themselves whenever they felt like it. But my beautiful Mac is still virus free. Doing the math, each of my PCs lasted for approximately 2 years before needing to be replaced. Each one was new when I got it. They crashed for different reasons; I'm sure my first one, which I got for college, crashed because of all the music I illegally downloaded, and the file sharing I did on campus with every other computer. However, had I had a Mac at the time, I think it's safe to say the problem would be drastically less if not nonexistent.
To the people who think Macs are too hard to navigate: you have obviously never really tried using a Mac. Everything is so simple it's laughable. I think of a commercial that is running right now in which the full minute is devoted to showing how "easy" the Geek Squad makes things. The action the Geek Squad is performing is setting up a printer on a PC. This takes the entire commercial to complete (if not longer in real life) while the woman in the commercial is pretending to use magical powers to make it happen as the Geek Squad dials in and does it for her.
The point is, all this commercial does is reiterate to me how difficult it is to set up a printer on a PC.
On a Mac, you don't even have to set up printers. All you do is plug it in, hit "print" on whatever it is you want to print, and the Mac finds the printer itself. In nanoseconds. And I'd like to point out that this is any kind of printer, it does not have to be an Apple; I have an HP printer and it was this simple.
I have finally converted Michael into a Maclover too. His Dell had crashed, he spent hundreds of dollars getting it fixed, and within a couple of months it crashed again. I'm talking you couldn't even open it in "safe mode" kind of crashed. He wanted to pay to get it fixed again, but after much convincing, I talked him into buying a glorious new iMac. Once you go Mac you never go back! He is officially in love. He becomes incredulous when someone we know has a PC, or especially when someone has the audacity to claim not to like Macs. He knows as well as I do that these people have obviously never properly used one.
If you are reading this, and you "are a PC" (as the commercials for Windows 7 say), please feel free to come over to our house anytime. We will read you the Gospel of Mac and convert you faster than you can say Snow Leopard.
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